DIY Method I
- Put on gloves to prevent staining.
- Mix 3-6 packets of Kool-Aid, water, and conditioner together, until the ingredients form a smooth paste. (use the unsweeten kind to avoid messy sticky application)
- Work the Kool-Aid paste into the hair, evenly.
- Wrap your hair with plastic wrap and leave it on for the afternoon (4-6 hours).
- Thoroughly rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Do not shampoo! If you use shampoo, the color will wash straight out. Apply conditioner if wished, then rinse again.
DIY Method II - Best for the ombre trend :)
- Mix 3-6 packets of Kool-Aid and BOILING HOT water
- Dip your hair into the boiling hot Kool-Aid dye, making sure that everything is submerged (wait for 10-20 minutes)
- Thoroughly rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Do not shampoo! If you use shampoo, the color will wash straight out. Apply conditioner if wished, then rinse again.
- ALWAYS test a small area first to see if you have a reaction (scalp).
- It's recommended that you don't wash your hair for a while before doing this DIY- second or third day hair works best.
- Don't wet your hair before dyeing.
- If you have thick and dark hair, add less water and more conditioner so that the color penetrates better. (Method I)
- Be very careful when handling boiling water (Method II)
- The Kool-Aid will take very well to chemically treated hair.
(here is a pic of my friend Britt's kool-aid diy hair dye outcome after 2 applications [method ii] - she was going for the ombre hair trend. )
**there are numerous ways to do this kind of DIY kool-aid hair dye. all you have to do is google! ;)
i've seen DIY kool-aid method that include developers, which will stain your hair for a longer period of time. To me, if developers were involve, i might as well go with the normal semi permanent or permanent hair dye. right?!
Do you remember which flavor your friend Britt used to achieve that dark cherry color on dark hair? Thanks!